How How How???

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During excursion day, my INEMA partner’s focus was on how our organization helped refugees. While we experienced some cultural differences towards how the organization ran their advocacy programs, we agreed that one of the most important parts of helping refugees was forming a sense of community within their populations. Yes, of course economic assistance and housing are priorities, but when it comes to being happily settled in a new land, belongingness is what it came down to. Since my Now Wow How is geared towards mental health in migrant communities, I was extremely interested in how the Federal Youth Association provided mental health services to refugee communities. Similar to what I was thinking for my Now Wow How, Landesjugendring assisted refugees with mentor programs, community belongingness, and a whole project based around Youth Refugees and helping them accommodate to life in Germany.

Rather than just focusing on economic opportunities for refugees, Landesjugendring had several “soft skill” goals for their Youth Refugees. Through the Youth Refugee Network, the 33 organizations a part of Landesjugendring taught young refugees basic steps for success in the new country. Collaboration skills, teamwork, how to socialize and take others’ perspectives, basic getting along with others, planning, delegation, leadership, and organizational skills were covered in this one project. As members of the organization begin to age out of the program, they are encouraged to pay it forward by taking on a leadership role that allows them to care for the new younger members and teach them the skills they learned. While the organization said this was mainly for sustainability, I viewed it as similar to the “teach a man to fish” quote.

Each new member that ages out has a chance to help the next generation by teaching them what they learned. It’s kind of a beautiful cycle that not only works sustainably, but constantly expands the community and inclusiveness of its members. For my Now Wow How project, this is what I’m aiming for (I think): some sort of mentor program where younger students would be encouraged to take on a leadership role to continue the path of knowledge and access to a safe, inclusive group. Now to figure out the How part…