Here’s to our 2022 graduates.

Great news from the University of Richmond, where our annual commencement resumed its pre-pandemic splendor and glamour. The Downey group lost three excellent students, swallowed up by graduation’s gaudy maw, but they’re all slithering on to better and brighter things:

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New paper: Furan synthesis

We have great news – our paper describing the one-pot synthesis of furans from simple ketones and silylalkynes is now published in Tetrahedron Letters.  You can find all the scintillating details at this link.  This work stemmed from a serendipitous

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Up Acetonitrile!

Good news from here at the University of Richmond.  The excellent work of Grace Ann Robertson ’21, Matt Santa ’17, Kari Flicker ’18, and William Stith ’18 has produced a fine manuscript in Tetrahedron Letters!  Matt and Will began this

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