Trouble logging in today

There have been reports that people cannot login to Blackboard or the system hangs for a very long time, beginning around 8:30 a.m. We have reproduced the problem and are working on resolving it. Please check this blog for status updates. Thank you for your patience, and we’re sorry for the inconvenience.

Multiple File Uploads

Did you know that Blackboard 9 supports multiple file and folder uploads simultaneously?

This is part of Course Files, a new feature in Blackboard 9. To use Course Files, you’ll need to know two things:

1.  How to upload files to Course Files

2. How to insert files and folders into your course

Part 1: Uploading files

In the course’s Control Panel, click Files and then the course ID. Hover your mouse over Upload, then click Upload Files. It may take a few seconds the first time this Java applet loads, and you may be prompted to verify the security certificate. Once the applet loads, drop and drag files into the filespace, or click browse. When done, click Submit.

Part 2: Inserting files

Go to the content area where you’d like to place your file or folder. Hover over Build Content, and select the proper file type from the menu. Follow the instructions on the screen, and click Submit.

Note: All files uploaded to your course, whether via Course Files or a content area, will reside in the Course Files repository, so you can see your “inventory” and file permissions at any time.

External links in Internet Explorer 8


When clicking external links in a course using the Internet Explorer (IE) version 8 web browser, you may be given a Microsoft prompt asking about accessing secure contgent or you may be taken to a “Cannot navigate to page” screen. (Note: this issue does not affect other browsers)


One option is to use another browser such as Mozilla Firefox (

Otherwise, at the dialog box when you click on an external link in IE 8, you are give two separate choices. If you click "YES" on this link then you get the problem navigating to the page. If you click "NO" the page will load as intended. If you click "YES", this will remain with you throughout your session. If that happens, close the browser and restart your session and it will prompt you again.

A permanent solution is to click on “Tools”, within IE menu structure, then “Internet Options”.  A screen will come up with multiple tabs, click on the “Security” tab. Click on “Custom level” then scroll to “Display mixed content” under Miscellaneous and check”Enable” then click “OK”.  (Please note: This option will not be maintained on public machines.) This option will allow you to view both secured and unsecured content within the IE 8 browser.

Blackboard walk-in hours

NEW! Beginning August 27, Blackboard walk-in hours will take place from 10-11 a.m. each Friday outside the 8:15 cafe in Boatwright Library. Bring any Blackboard questions to these open sessions, where you’ll get customized support. There will NOT be a session on November 26, the week of Thanksgiving. We look forward to seeing you!

Space available in this afternoon’s Blackboard workshop

Two spaces remain in this afternoon’s Changes in Blackboard 9 workshop. It runs from 1-2:30 p.m. in Boatwright 320 (next door to the TLC). To sign up, please go to the Fall 2010 Workshops page.

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