Category: Online Training Materials Page 1 of 2

Retaining Grades and Student Materials

Sixty days after the last day of each semester, instructors’ students will disappear from that semester’s Blackboard courses. In general, this means students will disappear from fall courses early the next February and will disappear from spring courses in the following July.

So if you are an instructor using Blackboard, we strongly recommend that you create an archive of your course that you retain and that you also download students’ grades and discussion board interactions.  The best time o do this is after instructors have completed grading but before the 60-day mark arrives.

Other than student interactions and grades, all materials will remain in your course until you request its removal or five years has passed (whichever comes first).

Download Grades

To download your grades, in Grade Center go to WorkofflineDownload and save the full Grade Center. On the next screen, be sure to hit Download instead of OK.

Atomic Learning Building Block Now Available

If you are not familiar with Atomic Learning, it is the online video training services provider for the University of Richmond.  There are hundreds of applications in their inventory, often spanning multiple versions of the application and for both Windows and Mac users.  Applications include but are not limited to Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Acrobat, InDesign, etc.), Blackboard, iPod Touch, and Windows and Mac OS.  Tutorials are broken up into short (1-4 minute long) video tutorials that you can watch using Flash or QuickTime formats. Users can pause, rewind, or navigate easily between video clips.  You can access the system outside of Blackboard by going to

Blackboard 9.1 viewlets

Blackboard 9.1 is almost here, and many of you may have questions about all the changes you will soon face. The best place to start is on the Blackboard Resources page, which contains links to viewlets and PDFs documenting everything from how to request a course in the new system to setting up groups, discussion boards, blogs and journals.

And, as always, if you don’t find your answer there, contact us at blackboard AT richmond DOT edu.

Creating a Home Page for your course

One of Blackboard 9.1's new features is the Home Page, an alternative course entry point to Announcements. Courses requested and created prior to the Blackboard 9.1 upgrade won't have a Home Page. You can create one in just a few easy steps, detailed in the handout below.

Creating a Home Page for Your Course [.PDF]

As always, contact blackboard AT richmond DOT edu with your questions.

Blackboard On-Demand Learning Center

As we prepare to upgrade to Blackboard 9, we’ve been coming across some excellent training material, which will be posted here after it is evaluated. The first is the Blackboard On-Demand Learning Center, courtesy of Blackboard.

Understanding and Building Your Course includes videos and PDFs about building course content, importing a course, creating blank pages and tool links and more.

You will also learn how to use the Grade Center and create assessments (tests, surveys, pools) at Blackboard’s On-Demand Assessing Learners page, and can decide whether blogs, wikis, journals and/or discussion boards will enhance your course in the Communicating and Collaborating section.

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