Author: Fred Page 9 of 10

Blackboard Maintenance

Blackboard is unavailable from Friday, December 18, 10pm until Saturday morning at approximately 4am.  This outage is for a maintenance set of upgrades but will not result in new features or a change in the interface (so don’t worry).  Please direct any questions or concerns to .

Problem Uploading Files Using Firefox 3.5.x ?

Some students have reported seeing error messages when trying to upload files to a Blackboard assignment using Firefox version 3.5.x. Information Services is working with Blackboard to obtain a fix for this problem and that fix should be available sometime Monday, September 21. The problem also seems to affect some sub-versions of Internet Explorer 7 and 8.  For the short term, Blackboard users are asked to try a different web browser among Firefox, Safari (Mac), and Internet Explorer (Chrome, Opera, and Safari for Windows are not supported on Blackboard).

Update: a patch was installed Friday at 7:30pm that should eliminate this problem for supported browsers.

Blackboard is Available – 10:30 AM Update

Blackboard is now available for service.  The problem had been isolated, and we foresee no additional outages.

Again, your browser might not immediately show the updated status (get the working web page) depending on the settings of you browser's cache.  For most browsers, you can force it to try to download an updated page by using the Ctrl-R key combination on Windows and Linux or Command-R key combination on a Mac.

For those affected, thank you for your patience and again, forward any questions or concerns to .

Blackboard Outage – March 25

Blackboard is unexpectedly unavailable as of approximately 9 AM, March 25.  Information Services is investigating the problem and will work to restore service as soon as possible.  Updates will be posted to this site.

FYI, once Blackboard is again available, your browser might not immediately show the updated status (get the new page) depending on the settings of you browser’s cache.  For most browsers, you can force it to try to download an updated page by using the Ctrl-R key combination on Windows and Linux or Command-R key combination on a Mac.

Please direct any questions or concerns to

For those affected, thank you for your patience.

Incompatible Characters for Filenames in Blackboard

Blackboard is very flexible in the types of files it can store and in the ways that they can be named, but there are certain characters that Blackboard cannot handle. If a file name contains any of these illegal characters and the file is uploaded to Blackboard, any subsequent attempt to open that file will result in an HTTP Status 404 error or a completely blank page. These characters are:   ?, #, / and \

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