Author: Fred

Blackboard Workshops for Instructors

Here is the list of workshops we will be providing for Blackboard 8 during the week of January 5-9.  All workshops will be in the TLC Training Room 320 of Boatwright Library. Registration is not required. Please feel free to bring your own laptop computer.

  • Tuesday, January 6
    • Blackboard Basics – 10 – 11 AM
    • Changes in Blackboard – 11 AM – noon
    • Grade Center – 1 – 2 PM
    • Wimba Voice – 2 – 3 PM
    • Discussion Board – 3 – 4 PM
  • Wednesday, January 7
    • Changes in Blackboard – 9 – 10 AM
    • Wimba Voice – 10 – 11 AM
    • Walk-in Assistance – 11 AM – noon
  • Thursday, January 8
    • Grade Center – 9 – 10 AM
    • Discussion Board – 10 – 11 AM
    • Walk-in Assistance – 11 AM – noon
  • Friday, January 9
    • Walk-in Assistance – 9 AM – noon

Please note that more training will be available throughout the semester, but we wanted to provide this first list since they come so soon after holiday week.

If you have any questions, please send an email to .

Upgrade Plan

The Blackboard upgrade is planned for January 2 through 7. During this time, Blackboard will be unavailable.  Courses requested and created before the upgrade will be available after the upgrade is complete as well as uploaded content.  Therefore, feel free to begin preparing spring semester courses now.

We will continue to post guides to help make the migration as easy as possible for faculty, staff, and students.  We are also planning short workshops for instructors, and we are intending to offer some before winter break (week of January 5).  These workshops would via demonstration rather than hands-on since the Blackboard upgrade will not yet be available to the audience.

Please pay attention to announcements in SpiderBytes.

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