UPDATE: the maintenance has been completed, and UR Blackboard is again available.
If you are now checking Blackboard availability and you still get an outage page, please force your web browser to refresh the page (Ctrl-R key combo on Windows and Command-R combo on Mac for most browsers). If you are still unable to reach UR Blackboard, please temporarily try another web browser and/or computer because there is most probably something on your computer preventing it from accessing the live server.
Original Message:
There will be a UR Blackboard outage scheduled for this Friday at 10PM that should last approximately 1/2 hour. This will update server firmware, necessary for continued operation. If you are checking Blackboard availability after 11PM Friday night and you still get an outage page, please force your web browser to refresh the page (Ctrl-R key combo on Windows and Command-R combo on Mac for most browsers). When in doubt, visit the UR Blackboard news site for an update when services have been restored.