Journals allow your students to engage in reflective practice throughout the semester in a private platform that only the instructor and the student can access.

You can create a journal by going to:

  • Control Panel > Course Tools > Journals
  • The Tools menu item > Journals
  • A content area > Add Interactive Tool > Journal

This viewlet from Blackboard’s On-Demand Learning Center will take you through the Journal creation process step-by-step.

During creation, you can also specify whether you’d like students’ journals to be graded. Journals can be indexed monthly or weekly, and instructors can comment on students’ entries. (Note: Formatting of comments is currently unavailable, but a Blackboard representative said this feature would be available in a future version.)

Groups can also have journals. Journals and Blogs are VERY similar in groups, but there are some subtle (and important) differences:

  • In a Group, you can select whether all members of the group can view the journal (essentially, a blog), or members have individual journals (leave “Permit Members to View Journal” unchecked). Blogs are available to all members of the group by default.
  • Blogs have the option of anonymous comments and entries. Journals do not.

Once you’ve named your journal, please be careful not to edit the link; doing so may be associated with a bug.

Another idea: Journals can also be used by students to post short, written homework assignments that are all displayed on one screen.

If you have any questions, please send an email to .