Treetop Observations

Yesterday I returned to my reflection spot in the high branches of a pine tree in the middle of the Westhampton green. The warm sunshine on my skin made me feel as though spring has finally sprung. I thought back to my first reflection in the nearby woods a few months ago when there was snow on the ground. The process of the seasons changing is so slow and gradual that it is easy to miss if you don’t watch for the signs. As always, climbing into the branches of a tree makes me feel alive and closer to nature. Even when I am positioned dangerously far above the ground the sturdy strength of the branches make me feel safe.

I climbed to the top branches and sat quiet and still. The Westhampton Green was more populated with students than the last time I visited because other students were taking advantage of the warm Saturday weather. I watched the people below and listened to their voices. They were enjoying the day, picnicking in the grass and walking in groups towards their destinations.

I noticed changes in the tree. On my way up I saw droplets of sap clinging to the bark. At the top I noticed new growth of pods that grow into pinecones. I wrapped my legs around the branches and breathed in the fresh pine scented air.

After a time I moved down to the branches half way up the tree and to watch two small yellow birds on an adjacent branch. Their quick jerky movements seemed nervous and excited. Their tiny bodies could easily fit into my hand. I realized how much of an intruder I was. This was their domain. I enjoy taking the time to visit and observe this parallel world.

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