Final Exposition

The differences in Shakespeare’s tests

The exposition in "The Merchant of Venice" is based on a short story: "The tale of Giannetto of Venice and the Lady of Belmont", part of the collection "Il Pecorone".  In the short story, the suitors must spend €˜a successful night in bed' with the woman as their test and the Portia character tricks them with drugged wine.  In this production both the character of Portia and the test itself are changed, and since Portia needs to be portrayed as a more wholesome Christian woman it seems fit that her test is more virtuous. 

Where are we?

                Venice, a Street

            Shylock's House

            Portia's House (Belmont)

What is it like?

                There are references that they are rich, so the location is lavish.

                Antonio: "€¦I thank my fortune for it,

                My ventures are not in one bottom trusted,

                Nor to one place; nor is my whole estate

                Upon the fortune of this present year." (Act I Scene I lines 41-44)

            Authority figures are all Christian

            Predominantly Christian society with a Jewish minority

What's the situation?

                Antonio is in a sad state, and his friends are trying to aid him. 

Bassanio is in love with Portia, but cannot marry her because of the restraints that her father has placed on her ability to marry. 

            Portia's father set up a trial for any of her potential suitors.  They must choose the correct casket: either gold, silver, or lead. 

            Shylock is a rich money-lending Jew who causes rifts within the Christian Merchants of Venice. 

            Shylock's daughter Jessica and Lorenzo wish to be married against the wishes of Shylock. 

            Bassanio already owes Antonio money.  This sheds light on their relationship, that Antonio would give Bassanio money even when he already has a debt to pay. 

What are the time and period?

            They mention trade with Asia and the Americas

            Mid 1500s-Shakespeare's time

Who are all these people?

Antonio-A merchant of Venice

Bassanio – Antonio's friend, in love with Portia;

Gratiano, Salanio, Salarino, Salerio – friends of Antonio and Bassanio;

Lorenzo – friend of Antonio and Bassanio, in love with Jessica;

Portia – a rich heiress

Nerissa – Portia's waiting woman

Balthasar – Servant to Portia

Stephano – Servant to Portia

Shylock– a rich Jew, father of Jessica

Tubal – a Jew; Shylock's friend

Jessica – daughter of Shylock, in love with Lorenzo; Jewess,

Launcelot Gobbo – a foolish man in the service of Shylock

Old Gobbo – father of Launcelot

Leonardo – servant to Bassanio

Duke of Venice – Venetian authority who presides over the case of Shylock's bond

Prince of Morocco – suitor to Portia

Prince of Aragon – suitor to Portia

What have they to do with each other?

                As is stated above, they are either in business with each other or in love with each other.  Generally speaking, Antonio and Shylock are in business with each other and mortal enemies.  Portia and the rest of the women have fallen in love and try to test their lovers. 

What are they doing here?

                Many of these characters were either born into wealth or attained wealth through their own hard work, so their motivations are generally related to monetary gain.