Things Theatrical: Shylock’s Contract

Among the things theatrical in the Merchant of Venice,  Shylock’s contract with Antonio is one of the most memorable scenes. The actual quote reads,

“This kindness will I show.

Go with me not a notary, seal me there

If you reply me not on such a day,

In such a place, such sum or sums as are

Express’d in the condition, let the forfeit

Be nominated for an equal pound

Of you fair flesh, to be cut off and taken

In what part of your body pleaseth me.”

This scene has a shocking effect to the audience, as it is an abrupt emergence of violence in the play. Prior to this scene, there is no implication of any form of violence. The emergence of a violent thought in a peaceful time is an implication of how peace is superficial, and violence or grievance is always hidden under. It is also important to note that this line was given by a Jew to a Christian, which implies the profoundness of the cleavage between the two religions.