Some Ideas on What Happens

I think the first major thing that happens in the text is Bassanio asking Antonio for a loan. I would say that the trigger for that would be Bassanio falling in love with Portia and deciding to go to Belmont to take the challenge (the trigger for that being Portia’s dad dying and leaving the challengeĀ of the three boxes to win her hand in marriage), but I’m not sure if we’re supposed to go that far back or if that’s stasis/intrusion business. But the loan and introducing Portia connects the sort of split between the plotlines of what’s going on with Bassanio and co. and what’s going on with Portia in Belmont.
Bassanio asking Antonio for a loan triggers him to say yes, and that they should go find a benefactor
This triggers them to seek out Shylock, which triggers his agreement to give them the money and to set up the term that if they cannot pay it back at the exact time and place agreed upon, that Shylock will cut out a pound of Antonio’s flesh.
This triggers Antonio to agree and they set up a meeting after Shylock runs home for a minute

Here’s where I’m getting kind of lost – the next scene is with Portia and the Prince of Morocco. I know we can have both plotlines occuring simulataneously, but then when we return to Antonio/Bassanio’s side of the plot, it’s Launcelot (is this another split? Meaning the next heap would be Gratiano’s request to go with Bassiano, as triggered by the agreement to lend the money which allows Bassanio to go on the trip?)

I’m so sorry if I’ve confused everyone, but please let me know what you guys think.