Initial Forwards in Merchant

Hey guys, I've found a few forwards in "The Merchant of Venice" and these are my initial thoughts about the production.  I think we should probably start looking farther into this play and see if we can define the exposition more. 

1.       The nature of Antonio's sadness

a.       "In sooth I know not why I am so sad" (Act 1 Scene 1 Line 1)

2.       The result of Shylock's grudge towards Antonio: Shylock's attitude towards Antonio is immediately negative

a.       "If I can catch him once upon the hip,

b.      I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him." (Act 1 Scene 1 lines 43-44)

3.       Religion debate

a.       "I hate him for he is a Christian." (Act 1 Scene 1 line 39)

4.       Antonio and Shylock's eventual final battle.  From their first meeting it is made clear that these two characters truly hate each other.

a.       "the devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.

b.      An evil soul producing holy witness

c.       Is like a villain with a smiling cheek." (Act 1 Scene 1 lines 95-97)

5.       Shylock's forced conversion

a.       "Hie thee, gentle Jew

b.      The Hebrew will turn Christian; he grows kind." (Act 1 Scene 1 lines 174-175)

6.       Portia's wedding: she is unable to decide for herself, so she must settle for whoever her father chooses. 

a.       "Besides, the lott'ry of my destiny

b.      Bars me the right of voluntary choosing." (Act II Scene 1 Lines 15-16)

That's all I have for now. I hope this helps!