Polar Attitudes

Ok, I worked on this, but I think they can be better… If you guys can think of things to add or take away that would be great. 🙂

Polar attitudes of main characters:

Blanche: Starts the play with somewhat of a grip on reality. The events of the play drive her to desperation and she ends giving into her imaginations, almost completely crazy.

Stella: Stella begins the play hoping to help her sister, and ends the play having given up on her.

Stanley: Stanley does not change much throughout the play.  He is violent and head strong at the beginning, and violent and headstrong at the end.

Mitch:  At the start of the play, Mitch is very polite and respectful to Blanche, believing her to be a pure woman.  By the end of the play, he has become disrespectful after learning of her past, but also depressed at her mental state