Some Dialogue Ideas

Nice job on the research! I have some stuff about dialogue, which I may end up confusing with Language by accident, but here goes:

  • there’s a lot of slang, establishing an informal atmosphere, much like it did in Death of a Salesman, except its a different setting, and thus, different slang
    • Stanley specifically speaks in very simple, blunt sentences. In fact, he doesn’t say more than two words per sentence until he brings his friends home from bowling. His lines are often followed by exclamation points like his first four lines “Hey, there! Stella, baby” “Catch!” “Meat!” “Bowling!”
    • Stella has a less distinct voice than Stanley or Blanche, but shes always confident in what she says. She supports Stanley in most of her lines and is always working for him.
    • Blanche is long-winded, insecure, and more proper sounding in her lines. She is very direct and says exactly what shes thinking, no matter how harsh. She speaks in less slang than the rest of the cast, and definitely has the most monologues in the play.

One thought on “Some Dialogue Ideas”

  1. Hey, I like where you’re going here!
    I think Blanche’s lack of slang is really significant to her character, and represents her longing for the lifestyle of the southern aristocracy that was embedded in Belle Reve.
    I also think Stanley’s vulgarity is very demonstrative of his manliness and aggression. The two opposites foil each other very well. Stella’s manner of speaking being somewhat in the middle (but ultimately with Stanley, as we can see from the ending) is very symbolic of her position in the play as a whole.

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