Philosophical statements

That’s a great compilation of quotations, I only have a few to add for consideration:

“Is he so different?” “Yes.  A different species.”  (Blanche and Stella referring to Stanley)

“The Kowalskis and the DuBoises have different notions.”  (Stanley to Stella)

“A woman’s charm is fifty percent illusion” (Blanche to Stanley)

“Physical beauty is passing.  A transitory possession.”  (Blanche to Stanley)

“Whoever you are-I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.”  (Blanche at the play’s end)

2 thoughts on “Philosophical statements”

  1. There were somethings that I didn’t catch. What could the emphasis on “difference” suggest? The conflict between men and women, wild and civilized?

  2. There are a few statements about poker that could be taken as philosophical statements. Poker in the play is used as a way that the males fulfill their desire for power and dominance over the other males.

    Stella: When men are drinking and playing poker anything can happen.

    Mitch: Poker should not be played in a house with women.

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