dramatic action- initial breakdown

 i don’t know why the format is so weird, but i can email to you all if it’s easier to read that way. let me know. This is just a start and needs to be changed i’m sure.


Inciting incident- Blanche's arrival


Scene 1:

Part 1: Blanche comes for a visit

2: Stanley meets Blanche


Scene 2:

Part 1: Let Blanche be

2: Once a liar always a liar


Scene 3:

Part 1: Poker Face

Part 2: Meet Mitch

Part 3: I want you back


Scene 4:

Part 1: Stanley is an Animal

Part 2 (when Stanley enters scene to speak): Stanley deserves a hug (?)


Scene 5:

Part 1: Eunice and Steve have a fight

Part 2 (after Steve exits): Gossip

Part 3 (after Stanley and Stella exit): Kissing the paper boy?


Scene 6:

Part 1: Getting to know you (Blanche and Mitch)

It is a scene full of actions and information. It might need to be broken down further but I'm not sure where.


Scene 7:

Part 1: The cat's out of the bag


Scene 8:

Part 1: King of the house


Scene 9:

Part 1: Turn on the light


Scene 10:

Part 1: We've had this date from the beginning


Scene 11:

Part 1: Taken