Contribution Needed for Given Circumstance: Tentative Action Plan

“Given circumstance” is the environmental facts about geographical, economic, political, social and religious settings. Environmental facts also refer to things that have already happened and polar attitudes of the characters (how do they start and why).Perhaps using the previous post from Oct 4th, we can EDIT, add to the list and begin answering the following questions for each fact:What is the significance of these facts? How do they contribute to the meaning of the play?

2 thoughts on “Contribution Needed for Given Circumstance: Tentative Action Plan”

  1. Another thing: I think it might be really helpful to divide the given circumstances into those categories right off the bat in every post we make, instead of having to go through all of them later.

  2. Environmental Facts:

    1. Geographical

    Set in New Orleans

    Exterior of a corner building on a street called "Elysian Fields"
    *Elysian Fields-ancient Greek version of the afterlife; heaven.
    between the river and the train tracks in a poor section of New Orleans with "raffish [crude] charm

    House #632

    Steve and Eunice live upstairs
    Stanley and Stella live downstairs

    There are two rooms (kitchen and bedroom) and a bathroom.

    There is a bar within earshot

    bowling alley down the street

    2. Date

    Sc. I: Early May evening
    Sc. III: Early morning: 2:30 AM

    3. Economic

    shabby, faded, everything is falling apart
    Blanche DuBois: dressed in a white suit appropriate for an upper-crust social event

    Stanley and Mitch are in denim "work clothes"

    Blanche is shocked that Stella has no maid

    4. Political

    5. Social

    Stanley treats Stella badly: yells at her

    Blanche DuBois: dressed in a white suit appropriate for an upper-crust social event
    From Mississippi
    School teacher

    Stella is pregnant

    Stanley and Mitch are 28-30 years old, and in denim "work clothes"

    Stella looks 25 and has "a background obviously quite different from her husband's" (4)

    Stella, Eunice and Blanche are white

    Blanche is around 5 year's older than Stella. They are sisters.

    Stanley is Polish, and a Master Sergeant in the Engineers Corps

    6. Religious

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