2L Class Representatives

2L Representatives


Kelly Boppe:

Hi everyone! My name is Kelly Boppe and I am thrilled to be running for the Student Bar Association’s 2L representative. After having served as the SBA 1L Representative for section 3, I know I have the necessary experience and initiative to serve the 2L class well, and ensure that everyone is able to have their voices heard and interests represented. 

We all are aware that this has not been a normal school year for anyone. This is especially true for 1Ls, who missed out on many of the events and opportunities that are typically available absent COVID restrictions. My goal is to make up for lost time and ensure that the upcoming 2L class is able to grow closer as a class as well as become more integrated within the Richmond Law community. As a 2L representative, I hope to assist in planning happy hours and networking events with local Richmond Law alumni to provide opportunities for students to socialize within the school and also to become more familiar with the legal community in Richmond and establish important connections that will assist in the search for summer employment. Additionally, I would like to provide more resources for students to utilize when searching for employment, such as lists of faculty to contact for assistance within certain sectors of the legal market. 

I would also like to plan events that are centered around health, wellness, and mindfulness, such as healthy cooking classes, yoga classes, or organizing intramural sports teams at the University. Initiatives focused on health and wellness have been at the forefront of SBA’s new executive board, and I am excited for the opportunity to work with SBA members to help ensure the 2L class and the school as a whole has access to resources that will assist them in remaining healthy while in law school. 

As a 1L representative, I am proud of the relationships I have built with the other representatives, who now make up the majority of the executive board. This prior working relationship will be immensely beneficial and will allow me to hit the ground running if I am elected. I also am proud of the work I have done for section 3 as their representative, and hope to implement similar initiatives as a 2L representative, such as sending out newsletters with important information pertaining to the 2L class and holding office hours to ensure everyone has the opportunity to have their voice heard. I also would like to implement a system where students can anonymously submit requests, complaints, or questions to myself and the other 2L representative, which we may then bring to SBA or law school administration and assist in remediating whatever the issue may be. 

I would be honored to serve as your 2L representative, and believe that I have the knowledge and experience required to do a great job. If you would like to reach out to me with any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at kelly.boppe@richmond.edu. 

I hope I get the opportunity to represent you all in this upcoming year!


Nick Corn IV:

Hey y’all! My name is Nick Corn IV and I am running to be one of your two 2L representatives. I’m proudly from Rocky Mount, North Carolina, and am very vocal about my love of my alma mater of NC State University. This past year I have had the honor to serve as the section representative for section 5 and I have loved every second of it. As a first-generation college graduate and the very first person in my family to ever go to law school, I understand the how law school environment can be confusing and sometimes downright uncomfortable. As such, I have tried to set out every day, both in my capacity as a section representative as well as just another classmate, to make the life of everyone I encounter just a little bit better. 

As a section representative, I have done everything from getting new disinfectant wipes for our classroom once they have gone dry to working with Dean Preis to get our schedule changed to accommodate students’ schedules more adequately. When I am approached with a question that I do not immediately know the answer to, I do everything I can to be able to find the answer as fast as possible. If there is something that is important to you, be it big or small, it is important to me. I am very lucky to have strong working relationships with the new members of the SBA executive board. As such, I would be very competent in using those relationships to zealously advocate for your concerns and interests with them to administration. I am confident in our ability to work well together because we have done it before in getting heaters for the tents outside the law school, helping students register to vote in Virginia or by mail, and even working to get new merchandise for the law school in the school bookstore next fall. If elected, I can promise to continue to work with the rest of SBA and school administration for more improvements to your experience as a student at Richmond Law. 

Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to the opportunity to serve as one of your two 2L representatives! Go Spiders! 

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me in the class of 2023 GroupMe or at my email nick.corn@richmond.edu.