Добрый день! Time to step it up – get in the habit of practicing your Russian at least 2 full hours a day, 2 x 60 minutes of high focus (or 4 hours of medium focus). It’s like learning to play the piano: unless you actually practice with your fingers on the keys, you will never learn.

For tomorrow: you’ll have the dialog “Hi, what’s your name? My name is X. Nice to meet you!” down cold by the time you walk into the room.  You will have practiced writing out the letters you’ve learned so far, in your HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT WORKBOOK, so you can take a short dictation. I’ll say “кто это?” “это Денис Гурин.”  and you will write on your piece of paper кто это? это Денис Гурин. There will be two more phrases from 1.1 – 1.2 as well, so practice hearing – writing.

In short, tonight:  Review all four components of 1.2 (listening, checking, new letters, “reading” games).  Then practice SCRIPT in your blue homework workbook, section 1.2 (through page 12).  Don’t stress, just patiently practice.