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The Discourse Thinking Excercise

One of the main things our group discussed was the significance of book ordering in the Hebrew Bible compared to the Christian …

Minute Paper- 9/1/15

Katherine, JayDee, Danyal, RJ Minute Paper 2   Today, we discussed the importance of order in the religious texts, specifically how it …

Minute Paper

Maddie, Lydia, Nia An individual’s perception of reality is colored by his or her own experiences; this means that the human experience …

Dissoi Logoi

A key concept we touched on was diversity, and the importance of understanding different perceptions and the circumstantial nature of these perceptions. …

Dissoi Logoi Minute Paper

After reading and discussing Dissoi Logoi, we thought that the general argument was lost in comprehension. The authors logic was too general …

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