Pedagogy, Andragogy, and Now Heutagogy

Ray Schroeder, founding director of the UPCEA National Council for Online Education, introduced a new term to me in this post: heutagogy. First, he distinguishes andragogy (the teaching of adults) from pedagogy (the teaching of children) using Malcolm Knowles’ four principles of adult learning theory: Adults need to be involved in the planning and evaluation […]

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How to Help Adult Students Succeed

A recent opinion penned by Darcy Richardson, Director of Continuing Education at EdPlus at Arizona State University, identifies the primary reason that adult students enroll in higher education coursework — to “help address gaps between their educational attainment and the demands of their jobs in the face of technological advancements and evolving roles and responsibilities.” […]

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Running Class Discussions on Divisive Topics Is Tricky. Here’s One Promising Approach.

The Chronicle of Higher Education’s Teaching newsletter shares Reflective Structured Dialogue as a successful method for facilitating class discussions on divisive topics. The highly structured approach follows strict guidelines for starting the discussion to ensure that participants both speak and listen without trying to convince someone else that their own ideas are best and others’ ideas […]

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Do Learning Styles Really Matter?

A recent review of the scientific literature on learning styles found scant evidence to clearly support the idea that outcomes are best when instructional techniques align with individuals’ learning styles. In fact, there are several studies that contradict this belief. It is clear that people have a strong sense of their own learning preferences (e.g., […]

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Adult Workers and Postsecondary Credentials

According to data recently released by the National Center for Education Statistics, most adults in the workforce (58 percent) either have a postsecondary degree or some other form of workforce credential, including postsecondary certificates, occupational licenses or occupational certifications. This is higher than the 45 percent of adult workers with postsecondary credentials using traditional measures that only […]

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