Category Archives: math

Second Grade Addition and Subtraction

Want to jazz up your 2nd grade math class?  Here are suggestions for addition and subtraction books, kid's websites and additional resources.  This blog covers addition and subtraction fact families to 20, finding sums, differences, solving one and two step … Continue reading

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First Grade Computation: Whole Number Addition and Subtraction

Addition and subtraction are two of many essential building blocks needed for long term mathematical success.  This blog concentrates on effective instructional teaching resources of addition and subtraction for teachers and their first grade students, focusing on recalling basic addition … Continue reading

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Kindergarten Number Sense

Without a solid understanding of number sense, children will struggle with math throughout their entire academic career.   As educators, we have the opportunity to provide students with a great start by ensuring they begin their school lives' with a strong foundation … Continue reading

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Sixth Grade Fraction Resources

I am doing my resource set for the fractions section of 6th grade mathematics.  I taught this area this past year but just by starting this assignment, I have more tools to work with then I did previously.  This is … Continue reading

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4th Grade Fractions

  Included below are many fun ways to interact and learn fractions with students. 4.2 The student will; a.)compare and order fractions and mixed numbers, b.)represent equivalent fractions Books  Fraction Fun – written by David Adler and illustrated by Nancy Tobin … Continue reading

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Cha-Ching, Third Grade Money

Introduction Money Rhymes Twenty five cents, Money that rhymes, Take one nickel Add two dimes. Three fat nickels, One thin dime. Makes twenty-five cents Every time. Five fat nickels, No thin dimes. Makes twenty-five cents Any time. In 3rd grade, … Continue reading

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4th Grade Measurement

Introduction: We know that measurement is a fundamental mathematical component.  As a teacher, it is our job to teach it well.  Below you will find a selection of books that are necessary for children to develop a clear understanding of … Continue reading

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Grade 4 Multiplication Resources

  Here are some resources if you want to teach 4th grade about multiplication. Text Annotations Amazing Pop-Up Multiplication Book written by Kate Perry and illustrated by Jennie Maizels– This detailed illustrated pop-up book gives students practice on different parts … Continue reading

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First Grade Shapes

According to the revised Virginia Standards of Learning for 2009, students in Grade One will explore basic geometry in the form of shapes. They will focus on identifying and tracing, describing, and sorting plane geometric figures (triangle, square, rectangle, and … Continue reading

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5th Graders and Cash

  To most fifth graders the concept of money involves mommy and daddy’s pockets. This blog will introduce the reader to incorporating consumer math to fifth graders. Books: 1. A Kid’s Guide to Earning Money. Written by Tamra Orr. This … Continue reading

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