Celebrating Apples and Johnny Appleseed

This Friday, September 26th, is the anniversary of Johnny Appleseed’s birth. Many classrooms are studying apples and fall right now, so I thought it only appropriate to share some selected resources with you.

The American Storyteller Radio Journal, Episode 190 – Nelson Lauver briefly discussed the history of Johnny Apple.

The US Apple Association has a variety of downloadable materials.

Apples and More – Here you’ll find some information on apples, apple history, and apple varieties.

johnny_view.jpgJohnny Appleseed: A Pioneer – This site from the Virginia State Apple Board provides information on John Chapman.

Mrs. Nelson’s Class: Apple Unit – Here you’ll find activities, reproducibles and photographs of finished apple projects.

Passionately Curious: Apple Study – This is a brief description of an apple study that includes samples of student journal entries.

Monthly Theme: Apples – This site from Houghton Mifflin provides a series of activity ideas and downloadable materials.

Wisconsin Apple Growers Association Educational Materials – Here you’ll find apple facts, word games and stories, as well as PDF files for your use.

A is for Apple – This thematic unit has a variety of songs, poems, activity ideas and book suggestions.

Apple Orchard Field Trip Tips – Here are some great ideas if you are planning on visiting an orchard.

Teacher CyberGuide: Apples – This S.C.O.R.E project is focused on second grade activities on apples.

Apple Country Teacher Kit – Scroll down for a series of downloadable lessons and activities on apples.

**Jane Yolen has a new book out entitled Johnny Appleseed: The Legend and the Truth. You can read my review.

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