Building Community as an Indie Label in the Music Industry

Play-listing on popular streaming platforms help artists get discovered by new people, allowing them the opportunity to increase their fanbase. This has been huge for Indie artists and labels, because they may not have the reach of the major music labels, yet this playlisting helps generate exposure. Getting placed on playlists involves many factors, such as connections in the music industry, popularity, style, and more. With all of the connections WLPWR has made throughout his successful career in the music industry, BNDWTH is able to reach out to creators of these playlists to try and get their artists discovered by new people.

Some artists in the past have only streamed their music on specific platforms, for reasons like creating exclusive content or personal issues with a particular platform. Taylor Swift removed her music from Spotify in 2014, because she did not approve of streaming for free and believed it decreased album sales (“Taylor Swift Just Removed Her Music From Spotify”).

Indie labels and artists don’t always have that luxury, as they may not have the exposure that other artists do. Many Indie labels, including BNDWTH, share their music to every popular streaming platform to try and get the most exposure. Sometimes they even post on content platforms like YouTube to establish a following before posting on platforms like Spotify and Apple Music, so that when they do post, their music will have a following and have a greater chance of landing on playlists (“What Does the Streaming Age Mean for Independent Labels?”). In doing so, they establish communities within the different streaming platforms. These communities are connected by social media, live performances, and merchandise.

Social media is incredibly important for Indie labels and artists. Where major labels and artists can get more money from streaming, advertisements, and sync licensing, Indie labels and artists (along with lesser-known artists) rely on live performances and merchandise to make a living (note that live performances and merchandise are still one of the main revenue streams for major artists). This is the music industry idea of 360. Social media helps these artists and labels advertise their performances and merchandise, as well as connect personally with their fans.