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Manliest Sport

As a society today, a man can constitute as an individual who is strong (both physically and mentally), tough and capable of standing …

The Manliest Sport

To me, the most stereotypically ‘manly’ sport is probably football. The sport is notoriously rough. Tackling, a move of complete energy, strength, …


JACOBI GREEN In the world we live into to be a man you must be a big mean aggressive dude. As a …

Manliest Sport

In our society men are viewed as and expected to be the toughest individuals on the earth.  Therefore I believe that the manliest sport …

The Manliest Sport

I would have to say that football is probably the manliest sport, and I know that even though it is probably the …

The Manliest Sport

In this society men are expected and allowed to be strong, aggressive, violent, tough, competitive, etc. I believe the manliest sport is boxing. …

Welcome to this course!

Each week, you will be required to write a blog post based on the prompt provided in the course schedule. Your blog …