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Creed Day 2 Reflection

Righteous Emperor Constantine, My main goal in the beginning of the council was unity. That being said, I believe that the discussion we had today …

Second part of creed (3/22)

We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God, the image of God, Light of Light, Son only-begotten before all …

Reflection on Council Day 1

Greetings Emperor Constantine and fellow Bishops, I am very pleased with the final result of the first day, the creed on the …

Council Day 1 Reflection–Arius

My Brothers in Christ, Albeit through some hardships, I gladly sit in reflection over our first session of this council, so honourably …

Creed (as of 3/17)

We believe in one God, a single unchangeable divine power, the Almighty, maker of all things, visible and invisible, everlasting, ingenerate, true, …