This week’s meeting was pretty short because we had a myriad of technology issues. This meant we were not able to get our final recording, and will just have to use the practice recordings from last week. We will probably have to do a fair bit of editing to it, but at least we have something. We are coming up short on our images, so we will have to fill in those gaps quite a bit, but I am glad that we have a solid base, and we can use the images that we do have. I am really pleased with the images Sasha drew because they are better images than I ever could come up with, and I am so impressed with her artistic ability. I hope that we can use Maxwell’s images, but if we can’t that is not the end of the world. 

This last meeting was definitely hectic and long for the students, but they were able to finish filming the remaining scenes. They had a lot to film since we were put behind by not meeting with them before Thanksgiving, so they had to practice and film the remaining 3 out of 4 scenes in Act 5. The students were definitely a little distracted and not super engaged, but the teachers were helpful in getting them focused on the recordings and had them stay an extra 20 minutes to finish. Super thankful for them especially as we have been doing this all virtually! Now all we have left to do is put together the recordings once they share them with us.

This week did not go as expected. There was a miscommunication so we only got about 20 minutes with the kids. We were intending on trying to record again to make everything a little cleaner but did not have time. Thankfully we did get a recording the meeting before. We got some of the photos and are just waiting to get the others. I love the drawings we have gotten so far — these kids are talented. Now it is just time to put everything together!