Shakespeare Project Blog Post #4

On Monday morning, Timone texted Bliss and me last minute telling us that he was cancelling our rehearsal as he was not going to be able to attend. At first Bliss and I thought we would just reschedule the rehearsal for Friday morning. However, when we suggested this, Timone responded that although he will be at the Villa on Friday morning, he has a group going out to VCU that day. This week, Bliss and I had planned to hold a second round of auditions, as last time we held auditions (which was before Fall Break), we had many people missing and were only able to cast about half the roles (we still need an Antonio, a Gonzalo, a Sebastian, a Ferdinand, and an Alonso).

Thus, I explained just this to Timone, and suggested that (as many students will be away at VCU on Friday) we skip this week’s rehearsal and start rehearsing again on Monday. Bliss and I plan to run our second round of auditions the same way we held the first round of auditions, which was by giving students an option between reading four monologues: A Prospero monologue, a Miranda monologue, and two Caliban monologues. After we are done holding our second round of auditions and finalizing the cast list, we will conduct a read through of the script.