Yesterday we had a great practice. The participants were very excited to continue to block our acts. Our original plan for practice was to block the fight scene since this is the most complicated blocking we will do. Unfortunately, one our participants did not show up to practice for the second week in a row. This has significantly slowed down our blocking as this person has a main roll and is in the fight scene. I received communication from him and he is still planning on participating and hopefully he will be there next week so we can inform him of the blocking.

It was great to see the participants excited about their rolls and want to have input in the blocking of the scenes. Some made great suggestions on how to block scenes and where others should be standing. We blocked three of our scenes yesterday. We still have more scenes to go but I feel like we are in a good place with our rehearsals.

After rehearsal, a participant shared that she loves Shakespeare and has suggestions about characters based on her knowledge. I told her that we welcome any suggestions and she should feel free to share her comments during rehearsal with everyone! I am hoping that as time goes on the participants a continue to get more comfortable with acting and their rolls.

When practice was over yesterday, many were sad that it was already time to go! Looking forward to practice next week.