Session #4

This week was a very exciting rehearsal! We finally have everyone casted and started to begin blocking and working on the acting of the scenes. We were missing a few people who had main rolls, so we had to fill in and read lines. This made it a little difficult to see how every scene would look because we did not have the characters acting their parts. Hopefully, we will have everyone at the next rehearsal and can see what a full run through of our part will look like!

One exciting part of having the OSHER participants, is that they want to have in depth discussions on the characters and what the motivations are behind what the character is saying. This makes rehearsal really fun because we can talk about what we have learned in class about Macbeth and then have discussions with the participants on what they think is going on in that scene. We were able to go into how you can ascend to the throne and why Malcom couldn’t kill Macbeth and become king. This discussion helped the participants understand what kind of emotion they should be putting into certain lines.

After doing a run through, OSHER participants like to receive feedback. The main critique  we were able to give them is they need to be louder and they cannot turn away from the audience. Rachel talked with them about how they can improve in these two areas!

This rehearsal was so fun because we started to use props and there was a sword fight! I cannot wait to see what happens next week when we (hopefully) have a full cast!