We did not meet this week as a result of the Thanksgiving break. The only news we received this week was from Corine, one of the Youth life directors, telling us that Marcus will not be in attendance at our show. This is obviously sad news and we will need to work around it come performance time. I look forward to our final rehearsal next week.

Because of Thanksgiving break, our group did not meet. This was probably for the best as last week was not very successful. Hopefully, with the time off, our students have had time to cool down and really focus on this play. We have very recently received official word that Marcus will be rejoining our group! Hopefully he is still willing to take on the three parts he previously played. If not, those roles will need to be played by Richmond students. Though we have faced some challenges numbers-wise, we are hoping we will have all four students for our last rehearsal and at the performance on Friday. This will hopefully provide a better environment for the kids and will give them a chance to deliver their best performance to date.

We did not meet this week because of Thanksgiving. We hope that this week off will not taper the students’ enthusiasm for the play, especially this close to our final production. We are also concerned about the group dynamic after a contentious rehearsal last week. Hopefully the week off will let tensions settle. It has been confirmed that Marcus will no longer be participating in our group. This news is troubling because Marcus was playing three roles, but we will persevere with the help of our fellow students.


————————————————– BREAKING NEWS —————————————————-

We just learned that Marcus is actually back and will be a participant in our play. This makes Dylan, AJ, and I very happy.

This week was Thanksgiving so we were not meeting with our group. In anticipation of this we decided to work on our script. We finished cutting it down and had it reprinted for the students to use in our last rehearsal the week after Thanksgiving. We also planned out our last rehearsal. This rehearsal will be very important because it is the night before the performance. We plan on breaking up the group in to three groups to work on specific scenes and give each student more individual attention. We hope this will help to keep them focused and involved during rehearsal. Also, because it is the last rehearsal we want to maximize our practice time. We plan on jumping right in to our smaller groups and running through lines rather than starting with a game. Hopefully the game at the end of rehearsal will incentivize the students to get through what we need to. We also plan on trying to get a head count on who of the 14 students will be attending the performance Friday so that we are better prepared.