
This website articulates an argument founded on the idea that entertainment media is a potent factor in how American society is structured. It recognizes the successful incorporation of positive, progressive values in popular films in the modern superhero genre. This website also recognizes the limitations that these films still face, and presents support of independent superhero fiction as a method to affect change on the superhero genre. The web serial Worm by John McCrae is presented as a representative for the value of independent works of superhero fiction.

As in many superhero narratives, the origin story is important. In the history of the genre section, this website briefly explores the foundations of the superhero genre and a few steps on the path to the modern superhero genre. This section concludes with a description of the status of the modern superhero genre through review of the 2018 film Black Panther.

The website follows through on this analysis in the proposition for continued progress  section,  first by establishing the ability of entertainment media to enact ethical change, then by applying that broader concept to the superhero genre. It continues to an argument justifying the use of independent superhero media to affect change on the greater genre.

The optimal method to experience this site is to first visit the history of the genre section, then the proposition for continued progress section, reading each subsection.

The citation format is as follows: using Chicago style, each section on a page will include notes that reference the full works cited page.

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