
Terrorists commit acts of violence and horror in order to prove their beliefs. Bringing negative consequences to people and damaging homes, communities and lives in their wake.

From a universality perspective whereby rules are set and as a global population everyone follows, the act of imposing violence immediately contradicts this. Killing is a deontic wrong and the three rangers killed by Boko Haram is an example of such (Whiteman, 2015).

Terrorist organisations additionally oppose intuitionism. Different people arrive at various solutions when they are faced with identical ethical problems. For some when approached with poverty, terrorist organisations are not the solution.

Different people act in different ways

However for most first world societies intuitionism applies. Terrorism for the majority of a global perspective is a wrong, thus joining an organisation does not complete our societal duty. For those living in these communities, 2.6 million people requiring humanitarian aid, the societal duty may arise from alternate solutions. Speaking from a normative ethical relativism theory (Arieff, 2014).