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Blog Post 10/19

In this chapter of PHUS and the article we were assigned to read, I once again found myself shocked at the information I was presented with. World War 2 is one of our nation’s favorite topics to brag about and when seeing a negative light being shed upon it is something I have little exposure to. I have often heard the argument about whether the use of nuclear weapons was necceassry, but decides that not much other rebutal.

One of the topics I found most disturbing was when Zinn stated that Roosevelt would not publicly oppose Hitler’s actions , specifically his persecution of the Jewish people. I also found it interesting when Zinn made the comparison to Abraham Lincoln in that both of their decisions not to speak out against the apparent evil at the time was based off of political motive. Although I realize the presidents job is to do what is best for their country, should this come at the expense of millions of human lives?

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  1. Henry Groves Henry Groves

    I also thought it was disturbing that Zinn mentioned that the US was hesitant about critiquing the Nazi’s approach. The United States only went public about being against Hitler’s way when getting threatened by Germany. This speaks a lot about the intentions that the United States had during this war.

  2. Michael Childress Michael Childress

    I too was surprised at the eery comparisons between Lincoln and Roosevelt. I would hope that they did want to free the slaves and the Jews, but It is a little bit unsettling that they both advertised this mission very late in their conquests. Furthermore, these conquests both had such significant economic implications that I can’t help but believe that to some extent both freeing the Jews and freeing the slaves were not the real true primary intentions of our leaders

  3. Alexander Dimedio Alexander Dimedio

    I also find it interesting that Americans brag so much about WWII. We learn about how ignorant this is when reading the Zinn chapter and article. I like the eye opening examples you pulled from the Zinn chapter, and I agree with these statements. Your final question is a tough one to answer, because we do not know what would have happened if we never entered the war.

  4. Mohamad Kassem Mohamad Kassem

    I also agree that the United States likes to brag about World War 2 to be seen as the savior all the time. And I also think it is disturbing to see how at that time the United States was not directly opposing the Nazis and were late to approach this particular issue. Thus, this shows again that the primary reason for such actions taken by leaders was more inclined to self-benefit instead of ethical concerns.

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