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Blog Post for 10/12/20 – Zachary Andrews

I found both the reading from the History Channel on the Spanish Flu of 1918 to be very interesting. More specifically, I thought that it was interesting how we use the same methods to deter that virus as we did and are still doing with the Covid-19 virus. I find it weird that over 100 years have passed since the Spanish Flu yet we are still using the same methods of deterring the virus: wearing masks, quarantining, limiting the number of people we see, keeping some businesses closed, and more. I’m surprised that there haven’t been more technological advancements in that 100 year time period that could further assist us in helping to get rid of the virus. In addition to that, I found it horrifying that over 1/3 of the global population died from the Spanish Flu. On another note, as I read I wondered about how the flu had an impact on European reconstruction after the First World War. Due to the number of people who died and the quarantining that was done, there must have been a large lag where nothing was truly being done. The article left me wondering many things… After the First World War had ended and the Spanish Flu begun, did the United States continue to bring soldiers home from being abroad or did they slow down the return of soldiers to limit the chance that the flu would be brought to the United States? Also, did the United States halt foreign interactions such as trade during this time?


After watching Trevor Noah’s video on the Spanish Flu of 1918 and the Covid-19 Pandemic that we are living through today, I found the similarities between presidents to be very interesting and honestly weird. Woodrow Wilson, the president during World War I and the Spanish Flu, played the Spanish Flu off as if it were some small illness that wasn’t going to affect him. In addition to that, President Wilson censored the media in hopes that the American population and community would not freak out from the virus. When we look at today’s Covid-19 Pandemic, we also see that Trump has downplayed the virus like former President Wilson. Something that I just looked up was that Woodrow Wilson was infected with the Spanish Flu, similarly to how President Trump recently tested positive for Covis-19. Overall, I found the article and the video to be very interesting because they both allowed me to understand a more in-depth comparison of the Spanish Flu and Covid-19.

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  1. Isabela Keetley Isabela Keetley

    I agree that it’s almost ironic how similar Wilson and Trump’s reactions were to each pandemic, saying that it was a common flu or cold and not to worry. However, as of last week both presidents contracting this virus that they originally tried to discredit and downplay. I think this pandemic really shows the gaps in our nations leadership, as well as our lack of devotion to a common cause.

  2. Sara Moushegian Sara Moushegian

    Hearing you bring up that Woodrow Wilson became infected with the Spanish flu, as did Trump with COVID, seems almost like a coincidence…. both presidents tried to downplay the virus to not cause panic and most likely to receive more political support (since people prefer to listen to someone that reassures that everything is okay) but they both ended up contracting the disease. This shows that with leadership, if the safety of society is at risk, transparency about any danger is vital. Panic among the population is almost necessary to take protocol seriously. People rely on leaders for their information, and if no one believes the illness is an issue, the illness stays longer.

  3. Kathrine Yeaw Kathrine Yeaw

    The reading also left me with many questions about what happened after the war ended. I was very surprised by how many people actually died from the flu in the war compared to how many died in combat. It’s hard to believe that a war was going on while this virus was spreading, I could not imagine a war having happening when COVID-19 first broke out.

  4. Thomas Bennett Thomas Bennett

    It is fascinating how medical science can only do so much to prevent a disease from spreading, especially when it is different from previous diseases as no information to create a vaccine is already available. By its nature, the medical industry is playing a game of catchup where they are forced to be reactive instead of proactive. Perhaps one day medical science will become so advanced that it will be able to be more or entirely proactive, although this is extremely unlikely as while technology is capable of improving, pathogens are also capable of mutating and thereby keeping science on its toes.

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