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Blog Post 9/21/20

Chapter 7 of Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States, we see yet another first hand account of the brutality of culture and social class in America, specifically early America. As a past chapter taught us, the colonists decision to revolt against Britain was a decision made by the few, at the expense of the many, and for benefit of one single demographic and economically affluent group, the land owning white male. The reason I reference this is because we see the same narrative in this chapter. We see the same social group, the powerful white men, driving out a demographic that had every right to inhabit the land that they did. Native Americans during this time occupied large regions west of the Appalachian mountains. Once Jefferson was elected he drove them out of their native land to help cater to the westward moving Americans. While this moment in time was powerful and without question a horrible act, I want to connect this behavior to a more current affair.

In a similar fashion, African Americans once free, were driven into inter-cities and areas that had poor access to essential needs such as fresh food. This is a result of many things, but perhaps most importantly, the reflection of the segregation and oppression that this demographic and race has faced since their arrival in America. My question to you all is who is at fault for this? Is it people like Thomas Jefferson? A man that taught modern day Americans that this behavior was acceptable. Or is it the people of today that haven’t done what is needed to change this narrative and this reality for black and other minority Americans?



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  1. Christina Glynn Christina Glynn

    I agree it is just an ongoing cycle of rich white men abusing their power. When is this going to stop? This chapter also showed how the long effects of African Americans in cities is a modern-day situation as well.

  2. Carly Cohen Carly Cohen

    I totally agree that the white leaders in control are abusing their power. It is incredibly unfair the way all of the other groups of people were treated just because they were not white.

  3. Christopher Wilson Christopher Wilson

    Indeed, rich, white American men are most at fault for the systems of oppression that black people still face to this day. However, I would argue that bystanders- people who are not comfortable with systems of oppression yet are afraid of suffering the consequences for speaking up- are also complicit in these systems of inequality. These bystanders can be found everywhere and some of us are bystanders when we do not participate in creating change because we fear for our well-being. If groups of bystanders would have the courage to unite and demand that those in power- rich, white American men- start releasing reparations to clean up their ancestors’ mistakes, then I do believe that many minority groups will experience the change they have been asking for.

  4. Sophia Picozzi Sophia Picozzi

    I like the question you pose at the end of your blog post, and I would have to say I believe that the segregation that you are referring to and the “white flight” is government-enforced and regulated. Although these demographic movements couldn’t be perpetuated without the agreement and approval of the American people, I think the government and the minority of white men in power used manipulative language to enforce these ideals on the public.

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