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Hamilton/1776 Blog

One thing that really stuck out to me during Hamilton was just how detailed the storyline was. After seeing that and realizing how long ago that was it really makes me appreciate historians and the people that documented the lives of so many influential people in our history and history from all around the world. The duel between both Hamilton and Aaron Burr was a powerful one. While ultimately it did come down to an actual duel, the duel I am referencing is the one of power. The two constantly fought for power and recognition from both the public and General Washington. As this duel continued on, it reminded me a lot of our current climate in America. There is a constant battle for power. Whether it be between states and federal governments, within congress, or even between races. There seems to be a major underlying theme of power-seeking behavior. Why is that?

Alexander Hamilton had access to something most Americans never have the opportunity of having. Education. It was through his education that he was able to represent himself well enough to become General Washington’s right hand man. I found it comical how frustrated this made Aaron Burr. While this story does a beautiful job or portraying the unbelievably successful life that Hamilton lived. It was hard for me to not acknowledge how privileged he was. However, the more I continued to watch the more I realized that he wasn’t nearly as privileged as many white males in America at this time. I was inspired by his ability to overcome his lack of affluence growing up.

After our class discussion today, I am overwhelmed with questions concerning the revolution. Hamilton helped paint a clearer picture for me as to the circumstance of the war. While I do not agree with the idea that our schools teach students that everyone that colonized in America wanted to revolt. I am confident that the revolution itself was one that did not only promise Americans the opportunity at wealth and prosperity, but I think it gave them a better means of life. Of course I am not speaking to the enslaved people of colonial America because their vote was not valued when deciding whether to revolt or not. On top of that, they would have had no choice in whether to fight or not during the war. I am still unsure what to make of that reality. Ultimately, I believe America is a broken place, that has broken policy, but I do believe that today it is a place of freedom.

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