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Th Future of Leadership

In the reading, “Redefining leadership in the Next Century” McFarland talks about some points that were very interesting to me like when he talks about how he believes that everyone can be a leader it made me think of leaders and that they are after all just a normal person and that anyone can be a leader. The one thing that needs to change is the perception of who can become a leader he says in the reading. This made a lot of sense to me because when he describes the typical leader that is what I think of when I think of a leader. The typical leader figure that we all think it to be which is the autocratic, militaristic model empowering model.

He starts to say that this is the first step in changing how we think of leaders nowadays. He also starts to talk about what qualities leaders in the 21st century should have to be successful. He first states that leaders should have the ability to inspire others and bring out the best in them. I agree that this is true with all leaders so that if you want to be a successful leader than you should bring out the best in people. One thing I noticed is that he said most of your results come from the people themselves which was an interesting viewpoint. I would think that if you were a leader advocating for a change then seeing changes in the government side would be the best place for results. All in all I liked his arguments and viewpoints regarding leadership.

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  1. Samuel Senders Samuel Senders

    I liked this post and thought you made a series of excellent points. I also thought it was very interesting how the article challenged the stereotypical leader and called them into question.

  2. Ellen Curtis Ellen Curtis

    I feel like some of the qualities he mentioned when he said we need to redefine leadership align with previous readings we have done about female leadership styles. It definitely reminds me of some aspects of interactive leadership. I wonder if this means we are moving towards more of an androgynous style of leadership.

  3. Connor Roswech Connor Roswech

    This is a great point that reminds me of the citizen leader. Anyone can be a leader, and the roles of leaders and followers aren’t as concrete as we think. They often change depending on the situation.

  4. Indya Woodfolk Indya Woodfolk

    I definitely agree with your post. I like how this article was more modern and aware of how the idea of leadership constantly and continuously changes.

  5. Ryan Leizman Ryan Leizman

    I completely agree with your point. What it means to be a leader is a big influencer in motivating people to follow through and become a leader themselves. In society we get too caught up in the preconceived notions of what it means to be a leader (militaristic, authoritative), but the modern leader doesn’t have to fit one specific mold.

  6. Kendall Duffy Kendall Duffy

    I also found it interesting how leaders are just normal people but people view them differently. I also liked how the reading was more modern and explained how leadership is always changing.

  7. Imani Mustaf Imani Mustaf

    I definitely agree with what you said and I think you made some great points! I also found it interesting that he believes anyone can be a leader. I thought it was a great point and wondered if everyone could be a great leader.

  8. Jesse Chiotelis Jesse Chiotelis

    I completely agree with his and your point on how the first step needs to be a change in how the people view leadership. there could be a revolutionary and amazing leader that could be immensely successful but would never get a chance due to the people not knowing how to recognize their great leadership traits because they are in contrast to the norm

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