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Attacking The Fourth Estate

After reading this chapter about “Attacking the Fourth Estate” I found that media and what they have to say means a lot in elections. The fourth estate is really important because it often influences the people and it can create conversation along with arguments. Media also spins stories and it can lead to different things coming out of different sources which can lead to polarization. Polarization is very apparent in our country right now and having a bias in media outlets certainly does not help. It is clear that the media plays a role that isn’t even that controlled by the government even with its ability to influence so much.

When Archer says “In the middle of the twentieth century, Republicans and Democrats alike viewed the news media as an institution that was fair and worthy of the public’s trust.” I was shocked because as a young teenager, I’ve only experienced the times of polarization and it’s crazy to me to see just how much has changed if this is really true.

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  1. Natalie Benham Natalie Benham

    I think it was interesting when Archer quoted someone who said that the media functions as a check against the branches of government because the freedom of press means that the media should be allowed to present to the people the things that the government is doing and politicians should not get mad at getting called out on their mistakes.

  2. Matthew Barnes Matthew Barnes

    I agree that the media has a very big influence on elections. I remember reading in 102 that the ‘winner’ of a televised debate can be manipulated or impacted depending on the television audience’s reaction during the debate.

  3. Reva Henderson Reva Henderson

    I agree that the media has a huge influence on the political scene. A lot of people use media as a way to follow politicians and learn about them. The media has the freedom to put out what they want and effect the population how they want.

  4. Jason Neff Jason Neff

    The media is important for any politician and it can determine how well a candidate succeeds. Because of free speech anyone can put out anything they want against a politician and some people may believe it and spread the fake news.

  5. Imani Mustaf Imani Mustaf

    I agree that the media has a lot to do with politics. It is hard to know what is real and what isn’t because of the sheer number of people who can say anything on the internet and say that it’s true.

  6. Lauren Stenson Lauren Stenson

    It is scary how important the media is to elections. They can make or break an election based on whatever is read and it is irrelevant to the legitimacy of what is being read.

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