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Vietnam Protest Movement

I was very impacted by the youth who were so involved in these protests. College students, young adults and even teenagers banded together to speak out against unnecessary violence and war and spoke to promote peace. In this case, children and young people were more pacifist than many adults or older people, which seems to be frequently the case, but was very concrete and obvious in this specific case.

In a broader sense, young people oftentimes seem to be the ones speaking against violence and inequality and advocating for equality and progressive values. These people are often not listened to on account of their youthfulness, such as Greta Thunberg, the 16 year old who advocated for action to be taken against climate change. Older people have more ‘life experience’ or ‘wisdom’ and somehow in their minds this equates to accuracy and more knowledge. It is crucial that people of all demographics, including age, listen to one another.

Published inUncategorized


  1. Reva Henderson Reva Henderson

    I was also inspired by the youth in the protest. It truly shows the impact young people can have on the nation when they band together. I think it also shows how fast an situation can become violent.

  2. Jason Neff Jason Neff

    I liked how the younger generation had a say in the event or at least tried to. I related it to how the younger generation is speaking out against gun violence in America nowadays.

  3. Lauren Stenson Lauren Stenson

    I definitely agree with the point that you made at the end. Age definitely does not equate to wisdom or correctness. I am proud to be apart of a generation that is very open and willing to invoke change despite the people above us who believe that they know better.

  4. Victoria Devlin Victoria Devlin

    It was very inspirational hearing about how the youth protested for what was right, especially because we are a part of a generation that is using their voice to invoke change. I agree with your point at the end that many young people are unable to be taken seriously by the older generations. They believe we do not have enough life experience or maturity to be able to speak about the topic.

  5. Hannah Levine Hannah Levine

    I had a similar reaction to seeing the amount of young people who were involved in the Vietnam protests. I think it is really inspiring to see that we have so much power for change.

  6. Alexandra Smith Alexandra Smith

    I was also inspired by the protestors being mainly youth, but it also makes a lot of sense that they were because young people were the ones being drafted to go to Vietnam. Similarly, a lot of teenagers lead anti-gun protests because unfortunately, school mass shootings are very common and make teenagers the target demographic.

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