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The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas

The short story “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” started out being this perfect society where everyone was always happy. Towards the middle of the story, the reader learns that this society is not “perfect” at all. There is a locked room in a basement where a child is kept. The room is described to be very dirty. The child is being neglected and kept in very inhumane conditions. Children learn about this child when they are about 8-12 years old. Some children when they learn about this child want to do something to help but, they are told there is nothing they can do to help.

With that being said, I think this short story is an example of groupthink. This is because the people in Omelas are aware of this child and the condition it is in but, due to everyone saying there is nothing they can do they do not do anything about it.

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  1. Lindsey Frank Lindsey Frank

    Interesting how you include groupthink here. I would have to agree because people are definitely aware/concerned about the issue however, don’t take action into making a real change.

  2. Regenia Miller Regenia Miller

    Because the Omelas is such a great example of groupthink, the significance of leadership is brought to light. If someone had stepped up to speak out against the tragedy and abuse of the child or if there had been a leader who wasn’t subject to or leading groupthink, things would have been different.

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