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Women’s Voting Rights

I completely disagree with it, but I understand why white women at the time felt they had the unquestionable right to vote over black men.  They had looked down upon black people for so long and now they had more citizenship than them. That was just the mindset back then. However, that absolutely does not make it right or excuse the fact the the women’s suffrage movement turned racist when they couldn’t get anything done just by preaching that women are equal to men no matter the color of their skin. As a woman and a black one at that, it’s disappointing to learn that on the path to getting equal rights for our gender, it had to become so disrespectful. One argument they mentioned in the first video was that they needed “educated white women to make up for the uneducated black vote”. This argument is not only extremely ignorant and racist, but it also turns it from being a movement for women’s rights into a movement for exclusively white women’s rights. So knowing this makes it hard to have any respect for those women who were brave enough to speak out for women because of how low they went just to gain a bigger voice during the movement.

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  1. Indya Woodfolk Indya Woodfolk

    I agree with you! It sucks for those two parts had to compete rather than fighting for one another, together. I wonder if unity would have helped both causes, as the fight would be more massive, or lead to neither of the groups being heard.

  2. Susan Nevin Susan Nevin

    I think that this is completely true. I don’ t think that these two groups should have been fighting over rights, but rather working together to say it is wrong for both woman and black people to not have the right to vote.

  3. Ryan Leizman Ryan Leizman

    I completely agree with your statement that it’s difficult to fully admire the women’s movement because of their ignorance. If these whites women were true fighters of equality, then they would understand how black people were fighting for the same thing as them. Their lack of awareness makes it difficult to truly appreciate the movement.

  4. Richard Bell Richard Bell

    I agree with you that it is bad how white women thought they had the right to vote over black men. I think that they were just frustrated that they had not yet gotten the right to vote, but another group of people who didn’t have the right got it. It is disappointing to see how the movement turned racist and separated between black and white women.

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