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Tyranny is Tyranny

I think the central idea of this chapter, that the mobilization of lower class energy by upper class politicians in order to achieve upper class goals, is clearly demonstrated in our nation’s history, obviously seen through the thorough examination of the American Revolution. I also think it is still seen today, with how many politicians are voted in based on the false promises they make during the electoral processes, and I believe that this needs to change. But it will be a difficult change to implement due to countless times this ideology has been used over the years; therefore, Patrick Henry’s ideology of unity through a common language is very important in today’s day and age. In the Revolution’s case, the people wanted their right to essentially voice their opinions and have an effective, common government, along with the concept of erasing the distinction of the rich and poor, leveling the general masses. Similarly, the language to unite the people today would be a language of equality and removing the gaps between men and women and between the rich and poor. Utilizing a common language will allow for honest politicians to implement effective and accepted laws and norms to create a united nation.

Another thing I found interesting was the idea of the worst lawlessness being the riots and those who disturbed the peace by, for example, breaking and entering. While this makes sense because it isn’t a useful or guaranteed way to effect change or get one’s point across, but I feel like it does make a statement and gets the idea across of how badly a group wants change to occur, so in this way, I feel like it would be an pretty good way to demonstrate lawlessness.

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One Comment

  1. Matthew Barnes Matthew Barnes

    I think you make a great point that politicians are elected on false promises. Hopefully, we can eventually shift the leaders we elect using common language and select more servant based leaders who try to solve the populaces needs rather than trying to satisfy their own agenda.

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