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In this article, it discusses the idea of “groupthink” and how it can effect a group in various ways. The author says, “I use the term groupthink as a quick and easy way to refer to the mode of thinking that persons engage in when concurrence-seeking becomes so dominant in a cohesive ingroup that it tends to override realistic appraisal of alternative courses of action”(Janis 361). Janis describes groupthink as a form of communication within a group that distracts the group from concise thoughts and rather focuses on agreement between members.

I found it interesting and agree how groupthink is seen negatively. In the article, it states how symptoms emerge when purposefully avoid being too critical on their group-mates ideas. This can be extremely inefficient within a group because no progress could be made if other people in the group do not share their personal ideas despite going against others views. Rather than having meaningful conversation and debate, groupthink substitutes this for the search for concurrence before moving on to the next issue.

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  1. Leah Kulma Leah Kulma

    It is fascinating to me how, like you mentioned, people in groups can abandon their own thinking or the original task because they want to find agreement first and foremost. Groups become ineffective when they abandon their primary goal and that’s exactly what groupthink causes.

  2. Kendall Duffy Kendall Duffy

    I also found it interesting as you mentioned that people avoid being critical in group settings. I agree with that statement because it does make it hard for a group to work together then.

  3. Indya Woodfolk Indya Woodfolk

    On the flip side, it can also be very ineffective for everyone to list every concern that they have for an issue. However, having those conversations and debates in a way that is meaningful can be very impactful.

  4. Jesse Chiotelis Jesse Chiotelis

    I also thought it was really interesting how groupthink can be counterproductive against true change and ” override realistic appraisal of alternative courses of action”. This article brought to my attention that often the way changes occur is via disagreements with the norm or what is expected. I see this problem often in student-run. groups where people just want to get things done.

  5. Ethan Ng Ethan Ng

    I find it interesting how groupthink is portrayed because I can also think of times where groupthink could be beneficial to some because it takes several people who find the most effective solution. Clearly, for JFK it was not a good move because it led to a bad outcome but I don’t believe that it is inherently terrible.

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