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Transformational and Transactional Leadership

When reading the article “What is Transactional Leadership? How Structure Leads to Results”, the opening paragraph cleared my confusion between the two by saying that transactional leadership is used by someone who likes structure and order. In contrast, transformational leadership is used by someone who wants to inspire others. The difference is that transactional leaders look to direct others and transformational leaders want to motivate others to create growth.

Later in the article, it incorporates charismatic leadership and how that differs from transactional leadership as well. Charismatic leadership puts emphasis on influencing a group to work towards something that will make the world a better place. The article says “in transactional leadership, the emphasis is on managing the performance of the individual and determining how well he or she performs in a structured environment”. Therefore, charismatic leadership differentiates from transactional leadership because transactional is individualized and charismatic is more group progress focused.

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  1. Leah Kulma Leah Kulma

    The distinction that transactional leaders like structure and order helped clarify the difference for me as well. Transformational leaders value personal relationships much more than the to-do-list-like structure transactional leaders prefer.

  2. Richard Bell Richard Bell

    The opening paragraph also helped me with my confusion between the two types of leaderships. It seems as if charismatic leadership has more similarities to transformational leadership than transactional.

  3. Indya Woodfolk Indya Woodfolk

    I agree with you! These articles were much more clear in showing the pros and cons of transformational and transactional leadership. Especially when showing the value of transactional leadership, and when it is most beneficial.

  4. Kendall Duffy Kendall Duffy

    I totally agree with you that this article cleared up what transactional and transformational leadership is. It helped make a distinction between the two while providing pros and cons to both. I think this really helped clear up my confusion.

  5. Samuel Senders Samuel Senders

    I really enjoyed this post and transformational leaders seek to elevate themselves as well as their follower’s morality and to motivate them (This works in a field where creativity and imagination are necessary). Whereas with transactional it is much more structured and concrete and they are motivated to lead by the exchange of goods with their followers.

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