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Carly 9/26 Post

The Harlem Renaissance time period was one of promise and opportunity for African Americans after so much hardship. By no means was racism elimited, but after the Great Migration where so many blacks moved to the north, they were met with much more opportunity than before. Amongst African Americans who made an impact on the Harlem Renaissance time period was poet Langston Hughes. Hughes was different because he did not sugar coat things. His poems tell it how it is, and he has gained a lot of respect over the years for simply saying things without fear of backlash. 

One poem that really stood out to me was the poem, “I, Too.” In this piece, Hughes emphasizes that even though he is black, he too is still an American and deserves to be treated with the same fairness as other white Americans. The line that stood out to me the most was when he explains, “Tomorrow, I’ll be at the table When company comes. Nobody’ll dare Say to me, “Eat in the kitchen,” Then.” This line makes me happy that even in hard times with so much discrimination and racism, Hughes thinks of a better tomorrow when he is not degraded for being black. Overall, I respect the way Hughes is not afraid to say things without sugar coating it. He was a very brave and well regarded man.


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  1. Kathrine Yeaw Kathrine Yeaw

    I also found “I, Too” to be one of my favorite poems, because it’s a saying so simple yet it carries a lot of weight. He is very bold with what he writes, and in saying “Tomorrow I’ll be at the table” he is making it clear how he doesn’t stand with the current situation of things. He is encouraging and brave in his writing regarding discrimination, which was something I feel as though wasn’t happening as much during his time.

  2. Madeline Orr Madeline Orr

    I also really enjoyed reading “I, Too” because it was a metaphorical way of addressing the discrimination and inequality in America. He is confident and hopeful in the future for the rest of the country to realize their wrongs and to respect the strength of black Americans. I do respect Hughes’s bravery and ability to voice his beliefs which were so important during this time. There was a great possibility for backlash and criticism, but he felt his truth needed to be heard.

  3. Elina Bhagwat Elina Bhagwat

    I thought that “I, Too” was very important because it discusses skin color explicitly and what having a dark complexion means when it comes to discrimination. Hughes expressed that because of his “dark skin” he was hidden from company in the kitchen. Only when there’s no company could he attempt to venture away from being hidden.

  4. Thomas Bennett Thomas Bennett

    Hughes line “I am the darker brother” appeals to the idea that we are all human despite how harshly we treat people of different races. It exposes the cruelty with which we treat people who are exactly the same as us for no truly justified reason. The hopeful tone of this poem is what gives it power and while things are by no means perfect today, Langston Hughes would likely be pleased with much of the progress that has been made. America needs to emulate the hopeful tone of the poem and maintain Hughes’ desire for change in order for society to move closer to racial equality in the future.

  5. Alexander Dimedio Alexander Dimedio

    I think you broke this piece down nicely. Yes, there was success in many ways, but I think you did a good job acknowledging that there is work to be done. I agree that Hughes did not sugar coat things. He told it how it was, and this provides a greater meaning to his work. I think you brought in a very relevant quote that does a good job of connecting your thoughts about the poem. I really like your analysis on the poem here.

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