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Race Card Project Event Response

Michelle Norris came to speak about her initiative “Race Card Project”. It is a 6 word identity exercise that forces people to dive into the deepest but most simplistic form of their identity. It was an amazing talk to listen to and to participate in. One of the most iconic things that she addressed was the melting pot theory. She said that the US is diverse and is unique because of it. There is a large mix of cultures that each group takes immense pride in. Why would we want to mix up everything that each of us identifies by? Instead Norris suggests that we build bridges. Instead of trying to pour my ideas onto someone and to make them believe it, through education and enlightenment I will teach others about my identity. Through this process we will build bridges across cultures and identity and educate people around us while we also learn. This is the first process required before we can earn equality because it requires awareness. However, before awareness can be attained people must be willing to teach and equally as willing to learn.

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