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Fourth Estate

Allison Archer provides some interesting insight into the relationship between the media and politicians. She opens her article by using a quote from Donald Trump discussing how the press is “The enemy of the American People.” I find this relationship between politicians and media fascinating and at the same time confusing. In addition, I find President Trump’s remark about how the media is the enemy of the American people humorous because the only reason why he is saying this is due to CNN what he calls fake news. What I believe he means in saying this is the media that disagrees with and opposses his view points is the enemy. The reason why I believe the relationship between media and politicians is one of hate because the media challenges and dissects each politicians view points, political stance, and so on. The media essentially calls into question whether this specific politician is capable of being a strong political figure. 


However, on the other side especially in today’s world these conservative news channels such as FOX support Trump’s ideals, view points, as well as policies. Which is an example of a positive relationship between political figures and media. The reason why there is such hatred or a perceived hatred between the two because we only pay attention to the differing side. The saying is the bad outweighs the good and in this sense of the matter it holds true. We tend to pay attention to the news stories that contradict and call into question the policies of these political figures and see the bickering between the two political parties. We do not see the sides of the media that support that politician’s views because controversy is more interesting than agreement so we pay more attention to those news stories/media coverages.

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  1. Alexandra Smith Alexandra Smith

    I really enjoyed this article, but I did get a sense of irony in it because I think Dr. Archer exposed her own biases. When giving historical examples of politicians v. the media, she named both Republican and Democratic politicians but seemed to explain and harp on the Republican examples more. I think this relates to your point of gravitating towards stories that contain the same biases and beliefs as our own.

  2. Richard Connell Richard Connell

    My question is do you think it is important that all media dissects politicians because in my opinion reporters inherently have a big role in how news is reported. The way something is presented could make people interpret things differenty.

  3. Jacob Kapp Jacob Kapp

    I also think that it’s interesting how naturally, we are more drawn to negative news. News outlets, in turn, are going to cover more of the negative if it brings in more viewers, and thus more profit.

  4. Victoria Devlin Victoria Devlin

    I find it interesting how news stations have become so strongly intertwined with politics now, like FOX and CNN. FOX leans towards the a more conservative standpoint than CNN does. Like you said, I. find it funny how Trump picks and chooses what is “fake news” and oftentimes it is news that goes against his policies and political opinions.

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