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Domination/ Subordination

Miller’s piece discussed relationships and how dominance and subordination exists in some form of them. She says this stems from there being some sort of difference between the two, which could include age, gender, or even race. She describes temporary inequality as a relationship that is made to be ended, one that has a purpose to better the subordinate. A permanent inequality is one where groups of are put down because of who they are.

Miller questions how much diversity do we actually like before there is some sort of trouble in the relationship. I think that this can be seen as groups expand. People tend to gravity to what they know, and then with that create a hierarchy within that. Thus, with bigger groups there would be more likely for this division to occur.

When considering racial inequality I think her statements are very interesting, especially as dominance is no longer meaning majority. I don’t think it is as true (although it has some truth) that the dominants are guiding society. Today, especially in America, I think there is so much diversity in ideas and cultures, however, the dominants still majorly affect social beliefs. In all, I think racially we are shifting away from many of her ideas of dominance, although the rooted belief systems still affect us today.


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  1. Regenia Miller Regenia Miller

    Miller brings up a great point about how many dominants want things such as “diversity” but only to a certain extent. This extent exists to ensure that there is some degree of power maintained for the dominant group to pull from just in case things get out of hand.

    I believe that dominants guide society by picking and choosing what they will allow to be normal or part of the majority from subordinate groups. In some aspects, sure, the dominant groups do not exert as much control as they may have in the past. Yet, overall, dominating groups have a stronghold. Social media has only made it easier for people who are part of the subordinates to reach dominant members for gradual “change”.

  2. Lauren Stenson Lauren Stenson

    I hope that this is true. I agree that there is currently a shift occurring in ideology however there needs to be law and policy enacted to match this. If not the systems that are in place will continue to enforce the old beliefs and tendencies of domination and subordination.

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